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Membership Benefits


Become a part of the Willow Glen Business Community. 

Our goal is focusing on your business and bringing awareness. We help businesses spread their message through social media post and bringing an organic awareness to nearby communities. 

Web Promotions & Advertising

Available to all WGBA members and sometimes offered to Associate members.

Participation in Willow WGBA Meetings and Events 

Excellent opportunities for social networking, and growing with other businesses in our association.

Participation in WGBA
Community Events

Enhance your presence with volunteer, sponsorship, booth presence and advertising opportunities.

Right to vote on committees, and join the the Board of Directors

Available to both full and associate members.



Automatically conferred to all tenant businesses and property owners located with the Willow Glen

Community Benefit Improvement District (CBID).

Click the link above to review the CBID areas to determine your membership.  Property owners are responsible for the CBID payments (not tenants).


Available to retail or professional businesses located in the Willow Glen neighborhood bounded by San Carlos Street to the North, Highway 87 to the East, Foxworthy Avenue to the South and Meridian Avenue to the West. Businesses outside of these boundaries will be considered for Associate membership subject to Board approval. Description of Associate Membership can be found HERE.


Fill out application linked below.

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